姓名:杨觉明 性别:男
职称:教 授 办公室:理化楼313A
邮箱:juemingyang11@qq.com 电话:0993-205XXX
学历学位:博士 硕/博士生导师:硕士生导师
工作简历:杨觉明(Prof. Dr. Jueming Yang):博士,教授,硕士生导师,石河子大学理学院工作。2015年获理学博士学位。2015年8月——今,石河子大学理学院任教。
研究成果:在Journal of Materials Chemistry A和Applied Catalysis B: Environmental等重要期刊上发表国内外高水平论文20余篇,其中第一或通讯作者(含共同)发表10余篇,主编教材1部。培养硕士研究生4人。获兵团科技进步三等奖。
国家自然科学基金-地区基金(51661030): 层状高效热电材料的能带与热导率双调控研究,主持,(2017/01-2020/12)
1、Xingwu Zhaia, Hongxia Yan , Guixian Ge*, Jueming Yang*, Feng Chena, Xiaoyue Liu, Dezheng Yang, Linfeng Li, Jinli Zhang*. The single-Mo-atom-embedded-graphdiyne monolayer with ultra-low onset potential as high efficient electrocatalyst for N2 reduction reaction [J]. Applied Surface Science,2020年,506.
2、Pingji Ge, Xingwu Zhai, Xiaoyue Liu, Yinglun Liu, Xiaodong Yang,Hongxia Yan, Guixian Ge*, Jueming Yang* and Yunhu Liu*. Graphdiyne-supported single-cluster electrocatalysts for highly efficient carbon dioxide reduction reaction[J]. Nanoscale,2022,14,1211-1218.
3、Huachuan Suna, Jue-Ming Yang, Jian-Gang Li, Zhishan Li, Xiang Ao, Yi-Zhe Liua, Yi Zhangc, Yi Li, Chundong Wang*,[J]. iang Tang Synergistic coupling of NiTe nanoarrays with RuO2 and NiFe-LDH layers for high-efficiency electrochemical-/photovoltage-driven overall water splitting. [J]. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 272 (2020) 118988.(共同一作)
4、Xiaoyue Liu, Jueming Yang,* Xingwu Zhai,a Hongxia Yan,* Yanwen Zhang, Long Zhou,a Jian-Guo Wan, bc Guixian Ge* and Guanghou Wang.A molecular device providing a remarkable spin filtering effect due to the central molecular stretch caused by lateral zigzag graphene nanoribbon electrodes [J] Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2020, 12.
5、Xiaoyue Liu, Xiaodong Yang*, Jueming Yang*, Pingji Ge, Hongxia Yan, Jianguo Wan, Guixian Ge*, Guanghou Wang. Giant perpendicular magnetic anisotropy induced by double degeneracy of d-orbitals in W/MgO/Ag heterojunction. [J]. Applied Surface Science,2021, 541, 148421.
6、Qing Diao, Chengwei Yang, Honglei Liu, Hongxia Yan, Guixian Ge,*Xiaodong Yang* and Jueming Yang*. Controlling the magnetic anisotropy of RumIrn (m + n = 3) clusters using the MgO(001) substrate. [J]. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2023, 25, 870-877.
7、Xuewen Yang, Zhiqian Sun, Guixian Ge,* and Jueming Yang*. Enhanced Power Factor and Ultralow Lattice Thermal Conductivity Induced High Thermoelectric Performance of BiCuTeO/BiCuSeO Superlattice. [J]. Materials,2023,16,4318
8、Jinlong Bu, Xuewen Yang, Guixian Ge*, Gui Yang, Jueming Yang*. DFT insights on the electronic and thermoelectric properties of CuGaTe2 under pressure. [J]. Solid State Communications 2022,352, 114836。
9、Xingwu Zhai, Lei Li,* Xiaoyue Liu, Yafei Li, Jueming Yang, Dezheng Yang, Jinli Zhang, Hongxia Yan* and Guixian Ge*. A DFT screening of single transition atoms supported on MoS2 as highly efficient electrocatalysts for the nitrogen reduction reaction. [J]. Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 10035–10043.
10、Xingwu Zhai, Haoxi Dong, Yafei Li, Xiaodong Yang, Lei Li*, Jueming Yang, Yanwen Zhang, Jinli Zhang, Hongxia Yan*, Guixian Ge*, Termination effects of single-atom decorated v-Mo2CTx MXene for the electrochemical nitrogen reduction reaction. [J]. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 605 (2022) 897–905.